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Online Criminology Review

We offer Online Criminology Reviews so that you can take advantage of your own time pace and place. In this digital age, we survive in a time of unprecedented information generation and use. We have grown simplistic in our exploration of information through technology and the web, which tremendously changed the criminology community landscape. We have built up expectations of quick access to the materials and information required to make you better, in your studies, in your pursuit of excellence, and other decisions as to where your time and money is most rewardingly spent.

Training Services

We offer specific Training Programs in line with general investigations, crime analysis, and law enforcement training. Our training solutions are developed by our senior mentors and subject matter experts that will help you and your team achieve maximum potentials on sustainability and competitiveness.

Forensic Certifications

We offer Forensic Certifications as part of our contribution to the growing forensic industry in the country. When you receive the credential as a specialist in the areas of forensic, you insure yourself to deliver the knowledge, skills, and competence required in forensic practice. You will significantly be able to analyze and examine evidence from mechanical and digital systems in order to prove or disprove a fact and to successfully produce a formal report that could be used in any academic environment as well as in legal proceedings.

Books and Manuscripts

We provide editing and manuscript review services for your books, textbooks, and thesis or dissertation before they will be officially published. We exert our creativeness to produce your cover concepts, layout and designs. We assist you in the publication process and in your journey to authorship.

© 2020 by RKM Criminology Solutions Philippines

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